McCOY – Lacombe Alphonsus
[Picture: Dominica Legion, a branch of the Royal Commonwealth Ex Servicemen League, courtesy Gabriel Christian]
1394216 – L.A.A. McCoy – Leeward & Windward Islands – attested 17.7.41 – Ach/Obs
P/O – commissioned 17.10.42- Missing believed killed
[Source: NA AIR 2/6876 – Nominal Roll of Coloured Candidates, October 1944]
This stamp was issued in 1998 to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force. It reflect the portraits of Dominicans who served with Honor as RAF Aircrew. From left to right; Wallace Wordsworth Plenderlieth, L.A. McKoy, Harold Cherberd Bryant, DFC, Clifford Severin, Edward Dyrample (AKA Edward Scobie). McKoy, Bryant and Osmunde St. Claire Alleyne were killed in action. Their names are on the cenotaph on Victoria Street Roseau next to the battlements of the old British Army Fort Young (within which a modern hotel now nestles – cannons and all). Every year the aged veterans (very few left), the Police, Scouts, Girl Guides and Army Cadets of the Dominica Cadet Corps parade by in honor to men who are considered heroes for the gallant service rendered in the fight for democracy and freedom.
Grave Reference: Panel 7, Column 1.
[Courtesy Gabriel Christian]